Tuesday, August 31, 2010


General Information:

Brunei Tourism
Minsitry of Primary Resources,
Jln Menteri Besar, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910,
TEL: +6732382822/+6732382832 OR FAX :+6732382324
Email: info@tourismbrunei.com Website: http://www.bruneitourism.travel/

Tourist Information Centre

General Post Office Building
Tel: +6732223734/+672223735
Brunei Tourism
Kampung Ayer Cultural and Tourism Gallery


Royal Brunei Police Force: +6732423901
Emergency services: 991
Emergency (criminal case): 993

Lost or Stolen Passport
If you lose your passport then you should report the loss to your national embassy. You can arrange for a new passport, but will need to provide proof of your nationality. If your passport is stolen, you must report the loss to the local police authority.

United States Embassy: +6732229670 or visit website at:http://brunei.usembassy.gov
Canadian Embassy: +6732220043 or visit website at:www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/brunei
British Embassy: +673 2222231 or visit website at: www.britishembassy.gov.uk
Australian Embassy: +6732229435 or visit website at:www.bruneidarussalam.embassy.gov.au
New Zealand Embassy: + 673331010 or visit website at:www.nzembassy.com

Lost / Stolen Ticket
If you are unfortunate enough to have your air ticket stolen or lose it on your travels, it is recommended that you contact the airline directly for a replacement.

Royal Brunei Airlines: +6732242222
Philippine Airlines: +6732222970
Singapore Airlines: +6732227253
Thai Airways: +6732242991
Malaysia Airlines:+6732332655

Lost / Stolen Credit Cards
Visa Global Customer Assistance: +1 8004413485 (free of charge) (www.visa.com)
MasterCard Global Service: +1 6367227111 (free of charge)(www.mastercard.com)
American Express: +6732228314 (www.americanexpress.com/cards/)

Health and Medical Assistance
Nationwide call center for emergency healthcare: 991
Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital (RIPAS): +673 222 2366
Gleneagles Hospital: +673 261 1883 or visit website at: www.gleneaglesjpmc.com.bn